Becoming your own Best Friend

There is much emphasis upon relating and relationships, but very little of that focuses upon the primary relationship with the Self.

Learning to love ourselves is a fundamental pre-requisite to forging good relationships with the world around us, and that includes our most intimate relationships, as well as those with our wider social circles and professional contacts.  And yet, this most pivotal relationship with Self eludes most people.

This work is anchored within ancient spirituality which teaches basic tenets to ‘Know Thyself’ and ‘Love Thyself’, and this ageless wisdom, together with cutting-edge mindfulness techniques to form a life-changing programme that affects all relationships in all areas of life.

This energy-centred approach is not based upon traditional psychological techniques that seek to explain the present by looking at the past;  instead, it focuses upon the conscious exploration of new ways of perceiving who and what we are on a soul level that are anchored in the present.

The ensuing softer and more compassionate communion with the Self opens hearts and minds to honour both the sanctity of our own soul but also those souls with whom we share this world, engendering ease and flow in all areas of life.

I’d been ignoring my feelings and this was affecting the way I connected with my life and stood in the way of me truly knowing myself and truly giving myself to those I love. Lynn guided me into a space to get in touch with myself and honour myself and this has changed everything.

Sarah, Wales

Reframing Perceptions…

There is a world of difference between loving ourselves and being narcissistic; in fact, these two states of being are polar opposites.  Self-love is not about being selfish; it simply means that we have sufficient self-worth and self respect so that we don’t have to beg or compete for another’s energy, attention or approval.

It also enables us to draw healthy boundaries, so that we can trust ourselves. This bestows strong foundations which also helps those around us to feel safe, transforming interactions and relationships into mutually fulfilling paths to freedom and happiness.

Ultimately, loving yourself means being gentle with yourself, acknowledging and embracing the range of life’s experiences and emotions, and letting them open you to the depths of your being.

It’s about recognising that YOU and your needs matter


As with all Lynn’s work, this can be carried out in person or online

For the first time ever, I feel lighter, stiller, and more content about me; I’ve been Kintsugi’d (the Japanese art repairing broken pottery or glass with gold); my past is not changed, the cracks are all still there, but I understand myself better, I feel whole, I value and respect myself more, and Lynn has equipped me with the tools to improve my life for the better.

Debbie, Kent
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