What I love about Lynn’s work is that it is not about trawling over the past, it is about moving forward. I’m a 59 year old woman, I’ve known for years how I became the person I am, and I knew the changes I needed to make to improve my life, but I’ve found it difficult to do so, and even sabotaged myself. A big part of my inability to move forward were unresolved issues of my past, things I cannot change; over the years, though I’ve sought help for the recurring inner turmoil to leave the past behind, I was unable to do so.
Now, for the first time ever, I feel lighter, stiller, and more content about me; I’ve been Kintsugi’d (the Japanese art repairing broken pottery or glass with gold); my past is not changed, the cracks are all still there, but I understand myself better, I feel whole, I value and respect myself more; I’ve been equipped with the tools to do the work I need to do, to learn and improve my life for the better. This work is the best investment I have ever made in myself.